Wednesday 12 June 2013

Pate a tartiner au Gianduja (aka NUTELLA)

I am not sure how you actually make a spoon of
 this look good. I promise it is delicious! 
180g  Icing sugar
100g  Hazelnuts
100g  Blanched almonds

200g  Good quality milk chocolate
50g   Good quality dark chocolate (70%)


Pre-heat the oven to 100 degrees.  Lightly toast almonds and hazelnuts in the oven for about 10 minutes.  The aim is to to warm them up so the flavour comes out, you don't want to roast them entirely.  Let them cool.

Place icing sugar and roasted nuts in a food processor and blend.  Blend for a fairly long time - the oil from the nuts will gradually release and form quite a good paste with the icing sugar. Blend until the mixture basically clumps together in one large clump.

In a separate bowl and over a saucepan of water, melt the milk and dark chocolate.  It is important not to cook the chocolate, you only need to melt it (dark and milk chocolate melt at different speeds).  Remove from heat and stir chocolate so that it is mixed well.

In order not to form clumps in the final mixture, add a small amount of the nut paste to the melted chocolate.  Mix this well.  Now add all of this chocolate/nut mixture to the nut mixture in the blender bowl and blend again.  Blend until it is mixed well and to a consistency that you are happy with.

As this recipe doesn't have any eggs or fresh milk you can keep it for about two months in the pantry or fridge.  It is so much better than nutella.  I just had it for breakfast.  
