Friday 21 June 2013

Crème Caramel

Being in a moderately hungover state today has prompted me to update a few of my recipes for you all to enjoy.

This recipe is from the cream class I did just before heading to Croatia.  It was really very yummy.  My photos didn't turn out too well so I have decided not to post them.

Preparation:  40 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes



400g caster sugar
100g water
Lemon juice

Crème Caramel

1 litre full cream milk
250g caster sugar
2 vanilla beans
480g eggs
160g egg yolks


Pre heat oven to 160 degrees celsius


Mix water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil.  Add about two tablespoons of lemon juice - this helps to slightly clean the caramel and give it a good colour.

Once cooked, pour caramel on to two silicon mats or two baking trays with baking paper.  Allow to cool.

#Tip: always place water into a saucepan before adding sugar as it is easier for the sugar to dissolve.  

Crème Caramel

Bring milk, vanilla seeds, pod and half of the sugar to the boil. Remove pod. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and the rest of the sugar.  Incorporate the egg mixture with milk/sugar mixture.  Strain - this is a must if you would like a smooth end product. 

Break the cooled caramel and generously place in the bottom of your mould.  Pour crème caramel mixture on top and cook in a bain-marie at 160 degrees celsius for about 12-15 minutes.  You don't want to overcook the cream so make sure you keep an eye on it.  

You can either serve in the mould or turn upside down and serve on a plate. Enjoy!