Tuesday 11 June 2013

Don't touch the flowers

I popped down to the market today for some fruit and veg and decided to also buy some flowers for 'Olly who is not feeling 100%. I must not have been visiting this particular florist on a good day - he first yelled at me for leaning too close to the flowers and then he said he didn't know anything about flowers and couldn't recommend anything to go with the freesias I'd already selected.

In a bid to make a hasty exit, I selected something pink and went to pay.  While preparing the flowers he asked if I wanted to add some foliage which was 'tres a la mode'.  I thought it looked foul so politely declined his request but this prompted him to give me a lecture on how all the florists in Paris were using this foliage and it was very very fashionable.  Clearly I am not sufficiently cool enough to be one of his customers.  My flowers sans foliage look just fine to me.