Tuesday 2 July 2013

Crazy Donkey

The best thing about Santorini is not the view - despite its reputation; it is certainly not the beaches - Australia wins that contest hands down; it is the local beer Crazy Donkey made by the Santorini Brewing Company.  A Greek oenologist, a Serbian brewer, an English brewing enthusiast, and an American set up shop in 2011 and their creations have become so popular they cannot keep up with the local demand.

My favourite is Red Donkey, a fruity, full-bodied and richly coloured beer served in a champagne style bottle.  'Olly and I first encountered the chestnut hued bevvie at dinner two nights ago and today, after a 'hard' day of quad biking around the island, we had the fortune of stumbling across the local brewery.  There, we tasted the company's two other varieties: Yellow Donkey - a citrus and slightly bitter tasting pale ale; and, Crazy Donkey - the first and only IPL in Greece.

The beer is unpasteurised and unfiltered which means it must be stored in the fridge...or drunk quickly.  Given its limited supply no bottles have made it off the island just yet but I hope in the near future these mad beverages will make their way down under.