Sunday 7 July 2013

Greek Salad or Honey Balls? I chose Honey Balls

While most of my friends at home are making babies in their bellies, I am working on my fat belly.  It is really quite a concern especially given I have just spent the last week in a bikini in Greece.  I had hoped that the week away and the need to be basically naked on the beach to fit in would inspire me to eat a little less and more importantly eat a little more healthily.  'Olly and I departed France with this intention and we started our first meal in Crete by ordering salads and seafood; however, once our waiter introduced us to honey balls my life and my life's purpose changed.

I know that I have had honey balls before, a great friend and fabulous cook once prepared them at the end of a dinner party, but I recall being too full to really enjoy and truly appreciate their deliciousness.  My reintroduction in Crete was simply amazing.  'Olly and I hadn't even ordered them - our waiter thought that they would be a good idea along with some foul tasting clear liquor that I poured without discretion into my water glass.

Sadly however not one restaurant in Santorini or Mykonos managed to top our Crete experience.  I searched and searched and almost exhausted 'Olly with my quest.  I don't want to learn how to make them because I'd probably devour most of the batch once cooked but I would like to find another little restaurant that matches those in Crete.

BTW: Weight upon return was +2kg (in 8 days). Not a bad effort.