Sunday 14 July 2013

Dutch Mojitos

After nearly two months mucking around Paris ‘Olly and I hit the cobble stones last night to celebrate the end of an ‘era’.

We were not only toasting the fact that I have lived on ‘Olly’s couch for 1/6th of a year but also the fact that I have now taken the title for being ‘Olly’s longest residing guest…ever! Quite funny given I was only meant to be staying for about 2-3 weeks.

I have to confess though that there was a moment in the last 10 hours where I nearly delayed my departure.  It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Our first stop last night was La Famille, a funky little cocktail bar in the 18th.  We had convinced another friend of ‘Ol's, a lovely Canadian, to join us in our frivolity.  The bar specialises in funked up smoking mojitos.  They were delicious but also very potent and I felt the power of the first one quite quickly.  It was a sign of mischievous things to come but at that stage I wasn’t sure quite what.  That was until I briefly went downstairs and met Lucas - a very charming Dutchman.

Once he introduced me to his friends, I thought it was in their best interests to be introduced to mine.  I am glad I did.  

We stayed at La Famille until it closed and then the six of us went to another bar where Lucas thought he could sweet talk his way in….it didn’t work so we ended up at Glass.  Glass is a former brothel and is now a ‘trendy’ cocktail bar.  It was a bit odd and the drinks were not a scratch on the smoking mojitos but it was still fun and random.  We stayed until 5am and then thought it was probably time to drag ourselves home.

‘Ols and I woke up this morning with foul headaches but we had to make ourselves respectable for a brunch date with Kate’s parents who were visiting from Adelaide.

I also had to make myself respectable because I had a lunch date.  Yes, in my drunken state last night, I had agreed to a date and agreed to reconsider my departure date so I could go to a party with him tonight. 

Lunch was seriously good fun. I wanted to wait until after the date to work out if I should change my ticket.  I would have changed it had it not been Bastille Day tomorrow and absurdly high prices. 

Much to my dismay, I am on the Eurostar racing through the French countryside on my way to London.