Thursday 11 July 2013

PDA - Yes or No?

Ok, it is blog time.  I am sitting on the TGV from Lausanne to Paris and this train cannot go fast enough.  I had to do a quick day trip to Lausanne to catch up with my client.  I raced over on Wednesday night as I was told I had a meeting at 10pm in addition to a full day of meetings on Thursday.   I was disappointed as I was missing out on a big dinner in Paris with ‘Olly and the others.  My train was late into Lausanne and I ended up missing the meeting.  I was then extra disappointed to learn in the morning that I didn’t actually miss a meeting because the numnut had said Wednesday instead of Thursday and PM instead of AM.  I could have gone to the dinner and caught the first train on Thursday morning.  Grr.

Anyway, the purpose of this little post is to pose the question: is it appropriate to drool all over your partner and make martian noises while licking each other’s face when sitting less than 60 cms away from your fellow train passengers? I think there is a simple answer: NO.

I have been forced to focus on a computer so I don’t have to look at the couple facing me.  I tried looking out the window but it didn’t work as the light puts their reflection on it. This trip is no less than 3.5 hours and I have been in a state of extreme uncomfortableness and suffering from a strong desire to vomit for the last 3 hours and 25 minutes.

I am pretty sure that the guy sitting to my left also feels the same way.  He started the journey trying to write a wedding speech for his best friend.  He has since stopped that to play games on his iphone – a screen which he has very close to his face.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with a bit of PDA - I have definitely succumbed to the power of beer goggles on a big night out but seriously, there is a limit especially when unsuspecting members of the public cannot escape. The only thing separating us is the thin screen of my new macbook pro – and it is thin!

I watched a movie at the start – that took up nearly two hours.  I have also been using my noise cancelling headphones – they have been a gift from the train gods.  I have a song on repeat just to try and help me work through this - Happy (feat Derick Martin) by C2C. Its main line is: you will never feel happy until you try.  I am trying Derick, I am trying!

I have to say that the guy is worse than the girl.  He has been making these ridiculous faces and doing weird shit to her for the whole trip.  They also talk to each other like they suffer speech impediments.

Other than my current state of pain, I had a great day in Lausanne.  I woke up to a view of the lake before spending the day with my client. We went out to lunch and horse was on the menu.  I thought about it for less than a split second and opted for the beef instead. Well…I think it was beef.