Thursday 9 May 2013

When is it appropriate to clear your throat?

So I am sitting in the Malaysian Airlines lounge killing time between flights.  My flight has been delayed by three hours which is a bit of a pain as all I want to do at the moment is get on my flight and have a snooze.  And while it is tempting just to curl up in my chair and enjoy a bit of shut eye this is just really not possible as the man sitting several seats away feels the need to clear his throat every few minutes.  As I listen to the phlegm swirl in his throat, I have been thinking to myself - when is it appropriate to clear one's throat in public?  I can understand people needing to clear their throat if they have a bit of a tickle - generally this period of throat clearing only happens for a few minutes and then passes.  This guy on the other hand is relentless and should go see a ear, nose and throat surgeon as I truly believe he has a more serious problem to address.  If by me moving seats was going to solve my discomfort, I would, but unfortunately, this man can be heard from every corner of the lounge.  I think I might just go enjoy a shower for the next hour.  There are no water restrictions in this town.