Thursday 23 May 2013

La pate a choux

100ml water
100ml milk
2g salt
2g sugar
80g soften butter
120g flour
4 eggs


In a saucepan, place water, milk, salt, sugar and butter and bring to the boil.  Remove from heat and add flour - mix.  Return to heat for about 30 seconds to remove the moisture from the mixture.  This can take a bit longer than 30 seconds.  I thought 30 seconds was a little too short.  Remove from heat and add eggs, one at a time.  You need the mixture to be thick, glossy and elastic.  If your flour is old, it is drier and will need the 4th egg, if it is new flour, it may be ok with just 3 eggs. Place in piping bag and pipe to your hearts content.  

Cook at 190 degrees for about 25 mins.  Cooking time does depend on the size of whatever it is you piped.  So, clearly if it is black, you've cooked it for too long and if it still white, not long enough.