Monday 13 May 2013

Jet lag nearly sim is time to explore

While it has only been three days, being without internet almost gave me a complex.  Rest assured, I am now back online and ready to start exploring.

Last night, Tim and I morphed into tourists and joined a guided tour of Jack the Ripper.  It was dark, cold and spitting so t'was the perfect setting for a murder mystery tour.  I was actually surprised by the number of people who turned up for the walk.  Some were keen Jack the Ripper enthusiasts which was quite amusing, others, like me, had absolutely no idea about the story and assumed at the end I would be given some more conclusive information about who Jack actually was.  (I left mildly irritated).  The highlight for me however was seeing a different tour guide using a microphone and very loud speaker to talk to his group of three people.  Needless to say our tour guide, with 50+ people, was slightly bemused and checked to see whether we were having any difficultly hearing him.