Sunday 19 May 2013

Notting Hill

Yesterday was a random day indeed. I had a fairly late start, Beck had her life in the UK exam to sit in the morning and I felt like a bit of a sleep in.  Around lunch, I trundled off to the Portobello markets.   I hadn't been before and I was keen to check it out even if it meant doing it by myself.  Beck and Bree weren't keen and I can now understand why.  I found the number of people quite overwhelming and the junk being sold really quite disappointing. So, after a few hours of wandering I went in search of a place to sit down for a while and just relax.  I stumbled across the Elgin pub and while meaning only to have the one beer and catch up on some emails, I had 5 pints, missed dinner with Beck and came home in rather a hilarious state with some very entertaining stories. Needless to say, I am feeling a little under the weather today.  Oops.