Monday 27 May 2013

Getting Fat in France

So, I had the most amazing day making fruit flavoured eclairs and religieuses at Lenotre on the Champs Elysee today. The class was small and fun.  There were two french ladies who were quite amusing.  Half way through the class they confessed that their 'regime' did not permit them to eat butter, eggs, or meat.  Given butter and eggs were the base of every mixture we were all a little perplexed as to why they had chosen to do the class.  They were amusing in any case and made the class quite fun.  There was also a lovely Japanese girl and a young American who is living in Paris for a month with her fiance during her university holidays.  And then there was Floreal.  Floreal - said like Loreal but with an F, was a MAN.  Surely it is child abuse to call your son Floreal.  He was nice but again, we were all a little confused, especially Matthieu, as to why he was called Floreal.

Our classroom was on the ground floor and had a great view of everyone walking down the champs elysee.  The sun was out so there were lots of people walking around - some even came right up to the window and made us feel a little bit like a science experiment.

Everything seemed really quite easy to make - I think partly because all of the ingredients were in front of us and all the materials and equipment were nearby.  In any case, I hope to be able to recreate some of these amazing desserts because they really were just delicious.  Matthieu took a bit of a shine and tried quite hard to get me to sign on to more classes.  He was excited to learn that I was signed up for another class but was bitterly disappointed to learn that it was on Thursday and he wouldn't be there. I promised that I would look at some other classes in two weeks time when I return from Croatia.  My week at Le Cordon Bleu is still a blur - no idea what is going on with that group.

Anyway, we were given some quaint little boxes to store our creations but because I decided to walk home, get lost and then take the metro because I was sick of walking, my little beauties didn't look at good at home as they did in class.  They still tasted the same and Olly most enjoyed them after our healthy baked fish and salad dinner.

Still haven't done enough exercise to warrant this indulgent eating but who cares.... ok I do, I am meant to be wearing a bikini in a week - don't think that is going to look too crash hot.