Monday 27 May 2013

Crème Framboise and Crème Passion, Abricot

These two recipes are dangerous for the waist line but truly delicious and offer a nice alternative to the traditional chocolate and coffee creams used in eclairs.  Don't be fooled into thinking you can use liquid measurements for the passionfruit, apricot cream - you can't.  It doesn't work as well.   


Raspberry Cream

900ml good quality raspberry pulp 
90g caster sugar
90g caster sugar
200g egg yolks
75g custard powder

Passionfruit and Apricot Cream

450g passionfruit pulp
450g abricot pulp
90g caster sugar
110g caster sugar
200g egg yolks
80g custard powder


Bring pulp and sugar slowly to the boil.  In a separate bowl, mix egg yolks, second batch of sugar and custard powder together.

Carefully pour the boiling fruit and sugar mixture into the mixing bowl.  Mix together and then pour entire mixture back into saucepan and return to boil for 2 minutes.  

Pour into shallow containers and cover with cling film. It is important that there are no air bubbles between the film and the cream - it will form a nasty film if you do.  Leave to cool.  Place into a piping bag if using creams for eclairs.  Enjoy!