Monday 20 May 2013

Off to Paris...

After a lovely few days floating around London I am finally on the train to Paris and enjoying a newly acquired playlist courtesy of Bree.

I have been forewarned by Holly that the weather isn't up to much.  Other than yesterday, the weather has been pretty rubbish and I had been banking on Paris to step it up a notch but clearly that isn't going to happen or at least not this week.  I am not quite sure when and where I am going to get this much desired European tan. 

Everything about the eurostar is pretty cool - everything except of course the particularly pungent smell coming from my neighbour.  I think it is a combination of not showering, drinking too much alcohol and a lot of sweat.  It is really quite foul and all I can do is pray that this train ride is over and done with as quickly as possible.  He is with two other friends and they smell too.  I think they must have been over for a big drinking session.  If I could liken the smell to anything, it would be the carpet in a pub on a Sunday morning after a really big night of footballers celebrating a victory.  This guy really has ruined this romantic idea I had of travelling by train to Paris.