Sunday 28 April 2013

Have I told you my neighbour is nuts?

I feel it is only appropriate to begin my new blog by informing you all that I think my neighbour is nuts.  It is currently 12:30am and in a few hours, actually, in 2.5 hours, my neighbour will walk out of his front door, open his particularly squeaky gate - a noise that belongs in a horror film - walk into my driveway and say: "Hello, hello, hello....there you are.  What are you doing there?".

The first time I heard him do this was a few years ago.  I'd just moved into my new apartment and was living by myself. I lay frozen in my bed listening to a man, whom I didn't know was my neighbour nor did I know he was calling out for his cat, walking within just a couple of metres from my open bedroom window. I thought I was going to be murdered, chopped up and never to be found again.

Clearly this didn't happen as I am still alive.  But at 3am every night since, my neighbour has opened his squeaky gate, walked into my driveway and called for his cat, Mr Biggells.  Who does this?  This is not normal behaviour.  If I was Mr Biggells, I would be running away from him too.